Music Hear! (App)
'MUSIC HEAR!' is an application designed to assist RCM examinees, specifically violin and piano learners, in preparing for the ear training components of their practical RCM exams.
These include: intervals, cadences, chords, sight clapping melody/rhythm clapbacks and melody playbacks (the only component missing is sight reading, which I left out because I found reading sheet music off a phone screen to be inefficient and difficult).
The app comes features 3 major components:
- LESSONS (+ include RCM requirements for the different topics (i.e. sight clapping))
- STAFF & EAR EXERCISES (allow the user to practice individual topics)
- DAILY TESTS (mix of exercises from all topics that are randomly generated every day so you never get bored!)
This app aims to prepare both new and experienced RCM examinees alike for ear training in a fun, cheaper and easily-accessible manner! The app also allows the user to work and train at their own pace, and choose what they want to work on!

Planning & Wireframes (Sketches)
After discussing my plans with various musicians of different levels, I investigated & defined my problem and wrote down some preliminary notes to design my solution. I realized that there are multiple resources that my friends and I used to practice for the ear training component for RCM exams and it was not cheap. My goal was to find a more cost-effective and cheaper solution for examinees to use to train their ears!
I wrote some notes and sketched the layouts of my app to get a quick visual of my idea. I sketched 18 frames after tracing an iPod touch to get a sense of the size of a phone screen! Take a look below!

To create my prototype, I used Figma, a UI/UX designer tool design frames and simulate the function of the application you are trying to create. It was my first time using the program and I also used the prototype function to later link the frames together. For the images, I used Photoshop and Illustrator. The frames have been designed using an Iphone 8 Template


Chords (Lessons E.g.)

Login Error

Intervals (Lessons)

Cadences (Lessons)

Sign Up

Intervals (Lesson E.g.)

Cadences (Lessons E.g.)


Chords (Lessons)

Cadences (Lessons E.g.)

Sight Reading (Lessons)

Sight Reading (Lessons)

Sight Clapping (Lessons)

Melody Clapbacks (Lessons)

Exercises (Hear)

Exercises Finished!

Incorrect Answer

Exercises (Interval, Hear E.g.)

Daily Test (Home)

Daily Test Finished!

Exercises (Staff)

Daily Test (Cadence E.g.)

Logout Confirmation

Exercises (Interval, Staff E.g.)

Correct Answer

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