About Me
Here's a sneak peak into my life!

Unionville Youth Council & Master's Pantry
The Unionville Youth Council (UYC) is a youth group made up of grade 7-12 students based in Unionville, Markham. Our monthly meetings occur on Mondays and as a group, we discuss and plan events for the local community to participate in. As a previous Vice Chair and coordinator/liason for Master's Pantry , a bi-monthly event where we help at a local food bank at the Unionville Alliance Church, my time as a part of the UYC was a life-changer that brought me out of my shell!
Our team has organized events such as 30 Hour Famine, our annual Leadership Conference, Spring Carnival, Markham Idol, Old Tyme Christmas, Operation Shoebox and more!
The UYC family is always looking for new youth! To learn more, visit http://unionvilleyouthcouncil.org

I have completed my grade 10 RCM violin practical examination and have still been playing my favourite pieces while I study at the University of Waterloo!

Ever since I was 4 years old, I loved cutting and folding paper. Now, I have delved into the world of origami, where I made more complex creations such as a 3D origami swan. I have also done Kirigami (a branch of origami, which involves cutting rather than folding). This hobby has taught me patience and preciseness while improving my hands-on abilities